Inspired by nature
Our granite varieties
Rosa Porriño
Very decorative light pink granite, medium to coarse grained, compact and with irregular fracture.

Gran Mondariz / Crema Julia
Gray colored granite, with a slight pinkish tone, medium to coarse grain, compact and irregular fracture.

Gran Perla
Light gray color, coarse to medium grain, with megacrystals of feldspars, compact and irregular fracture.

Our products








Custom cut

About us
Cabaleiro Nogueira S.L. is a family company with a long tradition in the extraction of natural granite blocks, which we obtain from our own quarries located in Spain and northern Portugal.
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Stone House apartaments in O Porriño
Supply of rough perpiaño to a face in Rosa Porriño granite for building “Stone House Apartments” in the street Pio XII in O Porriño
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Church in Guntin
Renovation of the parish church of Guntín (Lugo) for which wild stone masonry was made for the facades, and custom-made pieces for the interior arch. The unrecognizable before and after of the church of Guntín, the modern temples arrive. (
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